Act instead of being acted upon. Speak and be heard.
Lead and be followed.

gian filippo floriddia speaking in front of a crowd

Persuasion is a transfer of emotion. You cannot transfer that which you are not experiencing. Lack of persuasion can seriously impact your ability to put together a winning team, connect with an audience, make a point in the boardroom, or build meaningful personal relationships. From perfecting the keynotes of CEO's to inspiring people to lose 10 kilo or stop eating sugar after one speech - Gian has done it all. Persuasion is a change. Would you like to be able to create and motivate a lasting change?

gian filippo floriddia speaking in front of a crowd with mic

Stage presence

Maximize your exposure and impact while speaking to crowds.

gian filippo floriddia speaking in front of a crowd with macbook

Startup pitching

Best product is 10%, selling it is 90% of the success.

gian filippo floriddia with team

Team training

Build a team where everyone feels each other's energy.

About Gian

Serial entrepreneur
Serial entrepreneur
Dance, mime and acting workshops
Serial entrepreneur
Improv, psycho drama and playback
Serial entrepreneur
Theatre show
Serial entrepreneur
Team workshops and coaching
Serial entrepreneur
gian filippo floriddia

No more average, no more good, no more even great... It's time for the next level excellence

Oliver Wendell Holmes said, "Man's mind, stretched to a new idea, never goes back to its original dimensions." We all want to become a better person and to be "stretched" to accomplish more things,
but we are stuck in our daily patterns.

gian filippo floriddia thinking


Are you struggling to make meaningful connections? Do you have a hard time getting your point across? The moment you step into a room, people are immediately forming some sort of impression of you. They're making snap judgments about what type of person you are - trustworthy, sincere, capable. And a lot of this is based on how you carry yourself. If you appear genuinely confident, people will be more willing to give you the attention and respect that you deserve. If you seem uncomfortable and insecure, on the other hand, people may be quick to dismiss or discredit you.

Communication is only 7% verbal and 93% non­verbal.

Building powerful social relationships is the best way to create a strong network that can help you reach your goals. We will use techniques employed by the actors on stage to make your presence in a spotlight, in a meeting or just everyday life confident, engaging, and sincere. Great public speakers are rewarded with workplace influence, trust and beneficial relationships.


lf you think storytelling is something that children do, you need to think again. The most renowned brands, like Apple, Nike and Coca-cola, used storytelling to become the most valuable companies on the planet. And it's time for you to tap into this super-power no matter if you are an individual or a company. Sales (you "sell" yourself every day) is all about the story, and we can help you create a great one.

gian filippo floriddia talking to a person
a team that works

A team that works

Great teams need to be nurtured. You can't just put a bunch of people with different skills, positions, and values in a room together and expect them to be successful. First, teams need to be aligned. We believe in full immersion and active form of learning - as the study by Dale Cone shows. people generally remember 10% of what they read, 20% of what they hear, but incredible 90% of what they do as they perform a task. Direct experience allows us to use all senses.

We align teams through a lighthearted and fun form of carefully aligned games that balances team member's energy, understanding of each other, and goals. These exercises are used between stage partners in theatre - to share the spotlight, to provide support for ideas of others, and to understand your partner without any words are crucial skills any good performer must-have. And that's the ultimate goal for teammates.

Get others onboard

A good idea is worth nothing if you can't inspire others to come with you, to follow you, to believe in your idea, product, or vision. That's why the famous saying between investors bet on the jockey, not the horse. There are plenty of good ideas that often fail to see the light of day due to poor communication skills. Having done hundreds of presentations and talks, Gian knows something about how important is your pitch for your sales process. You will be able to communicate your idea with passion and clarity.

gian filippo floriddia speaking in front of a crowd
gian filippo floriddia keynote

Keynote speaker

Are you looking for somebody that is highly entertaining, engaging, and gets the message across? Somebody that breaks people's patterns gently, getting them actively learning new skills or tools while having fun? Hire Gian for your event, presentation, or workshop memorable time and high information retention rate guaranteed.

Fun Fact

Gian even officiated a wedding ceremony once. It was a blast 😄

gian filippo floriddia officiating

"When dealing with people, let us remember we are not dealing with creatures of logic, we are dealing with creatures of emotion. "

- Dale Carnegie

Schedule a call

30-Minute strategy call. By the end of this call, you will have a clear understanding of if and how we can help your business. Just pick your preferred date onthe calendar.

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Floriddia Creative
Badenerstrasse 153
CH-8004 Zurich